Attorney Rachel South Boquet Earns Estate Planning Certification
February 26, 2020
The law firm of Duval, Funderburk, Sundbery, Richard and Watkins in Houma, Louisiana, is pleased to announce that partner Rachel South Boquet has earned the distinction of Board Certified Estate Planning and Administration Specialist from the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization.
She is one of only two attorneys in Terrebonne, Lafourche and St. Mary Parishes who have earned this respected certification after completing additional specialized continuing legal education and a rigorous written examination.
A life-long Houma resident and attorney for over 15 years, Boquet specializes in estate planning, successions, special needs trusts, and continuing tutorships for individuals and families at the Duval firm.
“Estate planning can be quite complicated with the risk that a particular plan or transaction that satisfies the client or his or her family in the interim could cause unfavorable consequences later,” Boquet explains.
“As a Board Certified Estate Planning and Administration Specialist, I can offer my clients a broader picture of their estate planning options now and at the time the estate plan is executed. I also provide a more detailed analysis of the costs and benefits of these options and offer my expertise to craft a plan that meets their expectations now and in the future,” Boquet explains.